Thursday, 12 June 2008


I have an outstanding ability to sit and daydream (read procrastinate, daydreaming just sounds so much more ladylike) for hours, achieving nothing. In attempt to get some craft projects finished, I'm going to lay it on the line here and become accountable to cyberspace. The number of projects that are currently 'under construction' or 'at the ideas stage' is becoming ridiculous. I need some craft discipline. The first thing I want to get finished is this:

The walls of the flat are currently very bare. This is not due to a lack of things seen which would look very nice on the wall, but more to do with time spent daydreaming outweighing time spent deciding what to buy (see above). The Royal Tenenbaums is one of my favourite films, so this minipops-inspired embroidery by Pigeons playing roller derby is perfect. I'm planning on scaling it up four-fold.

"I'm talking about taking it out and chopping it up"

It doesn't get any better than that.


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